Originally posted on September 8, 2002 @ 8:42 am
Google turns four today. Happy Birthday!
Originally posted on September 8, 2002 @ 8:42 am
Google turns four today. Happy Birthday!
Originally posted on November 15, 2002 @ 11:53 pm
Reading CNN.com and listening to KLOS 95.5FM tonight, I heard about this tree, a 400-year-old oak tree that some developer wants to chop down to make room for widening a two-lane road near the oak. Come on people, this tree is over twice the age of the United States of America. It’s a part of history. This tree has survived so much over the past 400 years, wars, fires, etc.
Here’s a funny thing… Gray Davis, the governor for all of California says it’s a “local problem” and won’t help in trying to save this tree. All of California is his problem. Why not make the road go around the tree? That would just be to easy I guess.
Anyway, sorry for the rant but if you care to read the story, here’s a link to the story.
Originally posted on December 15, 2002 @ 12:09 pm
Illegals Crossing sign on the way to and from San Diego on Highway 5.
This gives a new twist to “Run for the border”.
Originally posted on December 16, 2002 @ 4:17 pm
So I’m searching around the net looking for random things today and I typed the following into a search engine:
“how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?”
and one of the best results I found was the following link:
Oh come on now… you’ve all wondered how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood… hehe…
Originally posted on November 11, 2002 @ 11:14 pm
So here I am, sitting around, chatting with some friends on the net and I’m looking through some old cd’s that I have and what do I find? Die Krupps – a tribute to Metallica. I forgot all about this cd. For those who don’t know it, it’s basically a techno style group covering Metallica songs… very cool and “techy”… it’s even kind of “geeky” (yeah, you know who you are, calling me geeky! butt-head!). Anyway, I’ll rip the cd and post the mp3’s on my site in a day or so for you to check out.