Originally posted on April 26, 2007 @ 5:56 am
I’ve been toying around with the new pMetrics Blog Metric software off and on for a few months now. Here’s my review:
First of all, pMetrics’ spy function rocks my world. It gives you an up to the second pictures of your blog traffic. You can literally “spy” on your visitors in real time. Now this isn’t for pure voyeurism, but it is a rush. The Spy App alone makes pMetrics worth the ride. Each visit AND click on your site gets tracked, and displayed in a constantly updated ticker. Doing a promotional campaign? Watch the results in real time.
So why not just stick with Google Analytics? It’s plenty powerful right? Well, it may be powerful, but its also cumbersome. You’ve got to drill down deep to find the stats that you want to see (referrals, keyword searches, incoming links, etc.) Plus, Google Analytics is tedious and tiresome for anyone who owns multiple blogs.
pMetrics shines in simplicity and ease of use. It summarizes your data on just a few pages, so there’s no need to drill down deep into the navigation to find that stats you’re looking for. That alone is why I prefer it over Google Analytics.
The coolest thing of all about pMetrics is the promise it has for expandability and widgety-goodness. Want to share your stats with the world? That’s an option. Want to pull in an RSS feed of your stats from 10 different blogs? Again, that’s an option. View all your stats in one place in an RSS reader. Save time and effort. Great feature btw. The RSS feed also gives you the resources you need to present your stats in a customizable fashion (read: hack your own widgets!).
But that’s really not all. The people over at Performancing are promising a future upgrade that will allow for Google AdSense tracking (woohoo!). Since Performancing is about open source, open community, we can expect for boatloads of cool plugins and widgets to get developed to help promote your blog and also have fun with it.
I can’t say enough good things about pMetrics. While it isn’t perfect, there’s no doubt that it’s currently my favorite analytics program for blogs.
So go get it. What are you waiting for?